
Monday, August 11, 2014

DIY Gold Leaf Photo Album

 After seeing all sorts of tutorials with gold leaf I've been attempting to create some of my own gold creations! I made a couple of these super easy gold foil photo albums as gifts for graduating friends and they turned out to be way more custom looking than I expected! Everyone kept asking what they were and how in the heck I did it. So here it is!

you'll need: 
photo album (I used this one from Michael's)
gold leaf (again from Michael's)
gold leaf adhesive (Michael's)
gold leaf sealer (Michael's)
two small paint brushes (I used an old makeup brush for one of them)

You can get gold foil at almost every craft store along with the adhesive and sealer so just find any!


 I didn't take pictures of the process unfortunately, but honestly it's so easy. 

 Step 1: Take the adhesive and use one of the paint brushes to paint a design or a diagonal line like I did...make sure to fill in the space you want the gold leaf to stick to (duh).
Step 2: Wait 30 minutes or so as it says in the instructions on the adhesive bottle.
Step 3: Be superrrr careful and take out a piece of gold leaf from the package
(it basically falls apart, but that's totally fine cause you just need it to stick to your adhesive)
Step 4: Place pieces of the gold leaf all over the area you want covered (don't rub it with your fingers because you might just end up ripping it even more).
Step 5: Use the other brush and just swirl it around on top of the gold leaf to help it set (pieces will fall off all over the place and that's fine! It doesn't need to be perfect!)
Step 6: Fill in any spaces you might have missed
Step 7: Use the second brush and put the sealer all over the gold leaf

And that's it! Seriously.... cake. 


This makes me want to put gold leaf on everything....but really, EVERYTHING. 

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