
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Festive Fall Drinks

Autumn Punch || Better Homes and Gardens
Ingredients: fresh-sliced plums garnish a blend of apple-crandberry juice and sweet white wine
(Kid friendly--substitute ginger ale for wine!)
This plum, apple, cranberry punch is perfect for a backyard fall party! It's got an autumn feel but is still light and fresh.

Hard Cider Sangria || Food and Wine
Ingredients: hard apple cider, lemon juice, apple brandy
I think all I need to say for this one is... apple. brandy.

Candy Apple Martini || Cosmopolitan Magazine
Ingredients: Belvedere Citrus, pressed apple juice, lemon juice, home-made toffee syrup
This is way too complicated to make for a little fall get together, but doesn't it sound great? If you're out on the town this is a must try.

Tennessee Cherry Cocktail || Better Homes and Gardens
Ingredients: cherry-infused whiskey, cocoa, and vanilla mingle
This dessert like cocktail is great for any dinner party in the fall. I mean cherry, cocoa, and vanilla.... You're kidding right?

Apple Cider Punch || Better Homes and Gardens
Ingredients: apple cider, orange juice, and sparkling white wine (or sparkling white grape juice!)
This cold beverage is refreshing and fall in a cup. It seems so simple...we all should have thought of this on our own (sheesh).

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